Distinguished Professor Barbara Kerr, Ph.D. is a wellspring of knowledge on creativity, giftedness and optimal experience in the 21st century. This episode is a treasure trove of insight into the unique socio-cultural challenges, life-trajectories and opportunities of smart and talented young girls and women. The topic is near and dear to our hearts here at The Psychology Podcast, as we discuss an extraordinary amount of research ranging across topics such as grit, personality profiles, gender roles, stereotype threat, self-perception, differing conceptualizations of intelligence and how falling in love with a future image of yourself can predict creative success. Be sure to check out Barbara’s research and philosophy of Smart Girls in the 21st Century and enjoy the show!
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“Barbara Kerr, Ph.D. holds an endowed chair as Distinguished Professor of Counseling Psychology at the University of Kansas and is an American Psychological Association Fellow. Her research has focused on the development of talent, creativity, and optimal states, while training psychologists and counselors to be talent scouts who provide positive, strengths-based services. She is editor of the recent Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development, and author of Smart Girls: A New Psychology of Girls, Women, and Giftedness; A Handbook for Counseling Gifted and Talented; co-author of Smart Boys: Talent, Masculinity, and the Search for Meaning, Counseling Girls and Women and over one hundred articles, chapters, and papers in the area of giftedness, talent, and creativity. She currently directs the Counseling Laboratory for the Exploration of Optimal States (CLEOS) at the University of Kansas, a research through service program that identifies and guides creative adolescents. With Karen Multon, she has co-directed the NSF Project, Milestones and Danger Zones for STEM Women.” -Blurb taken from https://epsy.ku.edu/barbara-kerr