Take these tests to learn more about your personality. These tests are completely free (no strings attached) and anonymous (no tracking of any sort), and your results will be shown instantly. All of these tests are provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. While the results may give you greater insight into your personality, do not make any important life decisions based solely on the results. However, the information may help guide you in your own journey of self-actualization.
Characteristics of Self-Actualization Scale (CSAS)
The 30-item Characteristics of Self-Actualization Scale (CSAS) was developed to bring the concept of self-actualization so frequently discussed by the founding humanistic psychologists into the 21st century. Grounded in Abraham Maslow’s original writings on the characteristics of self-actualizing people, the CSAS measures 10 facets of self-actualization: (1) Continued freshness of appreciation, (2) Acceptance, (3) Authenticity, (4) Equanimity, (5) Purpose, (6) Truth Seeking, (7) Humanitarianism, (8) Peak Experiences, (9) Good Moral intuition, and (10) Creative Spirit.
Reference: Kaufman, S.B. (2018). Self-Actualizing people in the 21st century: Integration with Contemporary Research on Personality and Well-Being. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
The Human Potential Index is currently the most comprehensive measure of human potential. Based on the work of over 100 academics, the HPI measures 33 needs, mindsets, skills, and behaviors central to human thriving. Individuals can take the HPI to assess their level of thriving. The full measurement will include over 70 constructs and is currently in development.
Reference: Bigony, C., Smith, J., & Kaufman, S. B. (2022). The Human Potential Index. The Positive Product Design Guide, 17 – 62.
Light vs. Dark Side of the Force Test
The 12-item Light Triad Scale (LTS) is a first draft measure of a loving and beneficent orientation toward others (“everyday saints”). The scale consists of three facets: Kantianism (treating people as ends unto themselves), Humanism (valuing the dignity and worth of each individual), and Faith in Humanity (believing in the fundamental goodness of humans). Across four demographically diverse samples (N = 1,518), the LTS demonstrated excellent reliability and validity, predicting life satisfaction and a wide range of growth-oriented and self-transcendent outcomes above and beyond existing measures of personality.
Reference: Kaufman, S.B., Yaden, D.B., Hyde, E., & Tsukayama, E. (2019). The Light vs. Dark triad of personality: Contrasting two very different profiles of human nature. Frontiers in Psychology.
Awe is a complex emotion composed of an appraisal of vastness and a need for accommodation. The Awe Experience Scale (AWE-S) is a robust state measure of awe, based on the extant experimental literature. The scale includes 6 factors: altered time perception, self-diminishment, connectedness, perceived vastness, physical sensations, and need for accommodation.
Reference: Yaden, D.B., Kaufman, S.B., Hyde, E., Chirico, A., Gaggioli, A., Wei Zhang, J., & Keltner, D. (2018). The development of the Awe Experience Scale (AWE-S): A multifactorial measure for a complex emotion. The Journal of Positive Psychology.
Healthy Selfishness and Toxic Altruism Scales (HSS and PAS)
Through these two 10-item scales you may gain insight on how you care for yourself and others. The Healthy Selfishness Scale was developed based on the writings of the humanistic thinkers Erich Fromm and Abraham Maslow on healthy self-love, and The Toxic Altruism Scale was constructed based on modern definitions of pathological altruism by Barbara Oakley and Rachel Bachner-Melman, among others.
Reference: Kaufman, S.B., & Jauk, E. (2020). Healthy Selfishness and Pathological Altruism: Measuring Two Paradoxical Forms of Selfishness. Frontiers in Psychology.
Healthy Personality Scale (HPS)
What basic personality traits characterize the psychologically healthy individual? The Healthy Personality Scale measures healthy personality functioning based on an analysis of existing items on the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R). Those scoring high on the Healthy Personality Scale are more likely to have good self-regulatory skills, have an optimistic outlook on the world, and have a clear and stable self-view. They are also more likely to be low in aggression and meanness, are unlikely to exploit others, are relatively immune to stress, and are more self-sufficient.
Bleidorn, W., Hopwood, C.J., Ackerman, R.A., Witt, E.A., Kandler, C., Riemann, R., Samuel, D.B., & Donnellan, M.B. (2018). The healthy personality from a basic trait perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Kaufman, S.B. (2018). Do You Have a Healthy Personality? Scientific American.
The purpose of this 15-question test is to help you assess whether you tend to be more sanguine or bittersweet in your orientation—and to gain insight into your way of being, and into the often-overlooked powers of bittersweetness. This test was developed by David Yaden and Scott Barry Kaufman.