TITLE: What No Child Left Behind Leaves Behind: The Roles of IQ and Self-Control in Predicting Standardized Achievement Test Scores and Report Card Grades AUTHORS: Angela L. Duckworth, Patrick D. Quinn, Eli Tsukayama ABSTRACT The increasing prominence of standardized testing to assess student learning motivated the current investigation. We propose that standardized achievement test scores […]
Study Alerts
STUDY ALERT: Role of test motivation in intelligence testing
TITLE: Role of test motivation in intelligence testing AUTHORS: Angela Lee Duckwortha,1, Patrick D. Quinnb, Donald R. Lynamc, Rolf Loeberd, and Magda Stouthamer-Loeberd ABSTRACT Intelligence tests are widely assumed to measure maximal intellectual performance, and predictive associations between intelligence quotient (IQ) scores and later-life outcomes are typically interpreted as unbiased estimates of the effect of […]
STUDY ALERT: How Smart Do You Think You Are?
TITLE: How Smart Do You Think You Are? A Meta-Analysis on the Validity of Self-Estimates of Cognitive Ability AUTHORS: Philipp Alexander Freund and Nadine Kasten ABSTRACT Individuals’ perceptions of their own level of cognitive ability are expressed through self-estimates. They play an important role in a person’s self-concept because they facilitate an understanding of how […]
STUDY ALERT: Training the Brain: Practical Applications of Neural Plasticity
Title: Practical Applications of Neural Plasticity From the Intersection of Cognitive Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, and Prevention Science Author: Richard L. Bryck and Philip A. Fisher Abstract Prior researchers have shown that the brain has a remarkable ability for adapting to environmental changes. The positive effects of such neural plasticity include enhanced functioning in specific cognitive […]
STUDY ALERT: High-Stakes Testing: Does It Increase Achievement?
TITLE: High-Stakes Testing: Does It Increase Achievement? AUTHOR: Sharon L. Nichols ABSTRACT I review the literature on the impact on student achievement of high-stakes testing. Its popularity as a mechanism for holding educators accountable has triggered studies to examine whether its promise to increase student learning has been fulfilled. The review concludes there is no […]
STUDY ALERT: Intelligence: New Findings and Theoretical Developments
This is an important update to Ulric Neisser et al.’s seminal 1996 article Intelligence: Knowns and unknowns.
Introducing “STUDY ALERT”: Fluid insight moderates the relationship between psychoticism and crystallized intelligence
Truth is: I’ve become increasingly agitated by most science reporting of psychological studies. Somewhere along the way, something usually gets misrepresented. Maybe it’s the sensational title. Maybe it’s the misquoting. Maybe it’s a misunderstanding of what a correlation means or what constitutes a large or meaningful effect size or the equating of a gene with […]