Today we have Dan Pink on the podcast. Pink is the author of six provocative best-selling books— including his newest: When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing. His other books include A Whole New Mind, Drive, and To Sell is Human. Pink’s books have won multiple awards and have been translated into 38 languages.
In this episode we discuss the following topics:
- What is the best way to motivate people?
- The case for “metapay” among self-actualized people
- How purpose is a powerful motivator
- The “motivation continuum”
- The ways contingent rewards can go awry
- Is it possible to be “unhealthily autonomous”?
- The importance of “killing your darlings”
- Dark triad selling vs. cooperative selling
- The “identity civil war” and zero-sum thinking
- The new ABCs of communication
- The myth of the necessity of extraversion for sales success
- The importance of time management
- The best and worst times to do…
- When is the best time to have a mid-life crisis?